Wednesday, September 14, 2005

JD Hayworth is out of touch with Arizona...
From the Arizona Democratic Party:

Hayworth To Arizonans:

Immigration Is Not My Problem

Out-of-touch Washington politician should stand with Arizona taxpayers, not indicted Beltway lobbyists.

While Congressman J.D. Hayworth was taking campaign money from indicted beltway lobbyist and insider, Jack Abramoff, he was telling Arizonans that they had to use their tax dollars to pick up the tab on the costs of illegal immigration.

On Tuesday, Congressman Hayworth likened pleas from the State of Arizona for federal assistance to combat illegal immigration to "the brazen looters who seized on a natural tragedy to plunder downtown New Orleans." Have the beltway champagne, caviar and campaign contributions gone to Hayworth's head?

"J.D. Hayworth must not have a very good memory," stated David Waid, ADP Executive Director. "He must have been too busy hobnobbing to read or remember the federal statues that clearly state that border security is a federal responsibility. That or he was still basking in the soft glow of prime rib heat lamps at lobbyist dinners to remember that he voted not once, but twice against authorizing the use of troops on our borders to combat illegal immigration." Now he says that it's Arizona taxpayers who should bear the burden.

Governor Janet Napolitano has billed the federal government more than $217 million for the state's cost of incarcerating illegal immigrants. The Governor has also launched a task force to combat fraudulent ID's, implemented a stolen vehicle border enforcement strategy, deployed state law enforcement and National Guard to the border, and signed a trans-national agreement to strengthen border security. And in her emergency declaration, she is demanding that the federal government do its part.

JD again has proven that he is more interested in filling up his campaign's bank account than providing Arizona cities, towns and law enforcement officers with the financial support they need from the federal government to effectively fight illegal immigration. It's J.D.'s turn to earn the paycheck taxpayers issue him by working for the people of Arizona instead of Jack Abramoff and his cronies.

The federal government has a responsibility to fulfill its obligation to protect Arizona's border. Hayworth ought to see to it that they do.

Here's how you can take action:

Read the story in the Phoenix Business Journal and write a letter to your local paper's editor TODAY .

Call Congressman Hayworth at 480-926-4151 and 202-225-2190 to demand that he stand up for Arizona.

Forward this email to your friends and family and ask them to get involved too!

Mike Sunnucks 9/20/2005

The Business Journal

Arizona Congressman J.D. Hayworth and Gov. Janet Napolitano traded nasty jabs Tuesday over Hurricane Katrina and Mexican border security.

Hayworth compared Napolitano to New Orleans looters, accusing the Democratic governor of trying to divert federal emergency dollars coming into the state in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

A top Napolitano aide countered by calling Hayworth's assertion "clueless" and "appalling."

Arizona and other states that helped with hurricane relief efforts and refugees are getting federal funds under a massive spending plan put forward by the Bush administration.

Napolitano also wants federal emergency funds and resources to help the state deal with illegal immigration and porous border security. The governor declared a state of emergency last month along the Mexican border and has committed $1.5 million in state emergency money to help law enforcement fight Mexican immigrant smugglers and drug cartels.

Hayworth, a Scottsdale Republican, issued a statement Tuesday accusing Napolitano of trying to divert federal emergency money away from Katrina reconstruction efforts.

"While Americans are uniting to help the hurricane-devastated Gulf Coast region, it is sad to watch the governor of Arizona attempt to elbow Katrina's suffering victims aside and make phony claims on federal emergency disaster funding," said Hayworth, a frequent critic and top political rival of Napolitano. "Simply put, the governor of Arizona is no better than the brazen looters who seized on a natural tragedy to plunder downtown New Orleans. The governor knows and federal officials have confirmed that these funds are intended for relief and recovery from natural disasters, not to reimburse Arizona for law enforcement on the southern border."

Hayworth also challenged Napolitano to call up the Arizona National Guard and dispatch them to the Mexican border.

The governor's office quickly responded Tuesday to the Scottsdale Republican's looting comparison. "The Congressman's press release is appalling, clueless and bureaucratic. It's typical Beltway-speak from another member of Congress," said Napolitano co-chief of staff Dennis Burke.

"It is particularly shameless for an Arizona member of Congress to use Katrina as an excuse not to protect our border; yet, he had no problem wasting $231 million in taxpayers dollars for a bridge-to-nowhere in Alaska. Under Governor Napolitano's leadership, theArizona National Guard is already assisting on the border, serving in Iraq and Afghanistan and working in the Gulf Coast region. If the Congressman had bothered to call before firing off an inane press release, we could have told him that."

State National Guard troops have been helping federal border security agencies in a non-patrolling capacity at the border for some time.

Hayworth considered a run against Napolitano in next year's election, but opted to keep his House seat which represents Tempe, Scottsdale and Ahwatukee.

The conservative Republican is an increasingly outspoken advocate of tough immigration and border security policies to curtail illegal crossings into Arizona from Mexico.

Democrats, including Napolitano and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson, have become aggressive on border security issues over the summer, pressing the Bush administration and the GOP-controlled Congress for more resources and funding to help stem illegal crossings, organized crime and drug cartel activity. Richardson issued a similar state emergency in New Mexico this summer.

Napolitano is getting heat from immigration hawks for opposing a successful ballot question last year that denies state welfare benefits to illegals and vetoing GOP state bills aimed expanding that referendum.


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